Schedules and Logs T

by Calculp2


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Trekking, mountain hike, town hike, family trip, group trip, drive, business trip, overseas trip etc.It is convenient for aggregate the required time and cost.Main function1.When line on table is not selected. ・Edit Button:Write to the schedule (or log) table.2.When line on table is selected. ・Scrap button:Aggregate cutting range and create sheet. ・Cut button:Delete specified range. ・Copy button:Copy the specified range. ・Paste button:Paste the contents of the copied. ・Edit Button:Correct the contents of specified or paste on log (or schedule).3.Common ・Calendar button:Display calendar with destination and member. ・Settings button:Display settings screen. ・Filing button:Classify data as file name. ・Full screen button:Add time details and cost details. ・Sheet button:Output schedule or log to Excel.(Sample)4.Calendar ・Edit Button:Display data of the selected day on the editing screen. ・Storage button:Display data stored in storage. ・File Button:Display filing data. ・File selection button:Select file and display.5.Settings screen ・Set cost symbol and exchange rate. ・Edit list items:Register the character referred to by the list button of the edit screen. ・Delete list and storage data. ・Copy list data, storage data and file data from official version.